Solutions for High Performance Fibers (HPF)
High performance fibers are used in the manufacture of sophisticated products with high safety relevance. Their outstanding heat and flame resistance, as well as their high chemical resistance, makes them perfect for fire and safety apparel. Bulletproof vests, helmets and various automotive components are also made with high performance fibers.
"Made with SAHM Winding Technology“ is our promise of quality. Optimally wound material is an important prerequisite for highest quality material.
TWINSTAR II - The trusted industry leader
The first TWINSTAR model was introduced by SAHM to our customers 20 years ago. Since that time, the TWINSTAR has developed to become the top automatic winder for the production of High Performance Fibers across a wide range of applications.
Manufacturers value TWINSTAR for its compact and modular design, for the consistently outstanding operational performance it delivers, as well as for its 99.9 % bobbin changeover reliability. Due to the electronic data input of all winding and process parameters, the TWINSTAR also provides unsurpassed flexibility in product changes and recipe handling.
SAHM two60

SAHM two60
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns
- Advantages
- Excellent package quality
- Electronically controlled winding ratio
- Quick and efficient product changes by electronic input of all winding parameters
- Compact modular design with dual inverter technology
- Yarn entrance with minimum contact points
- Alarm management (yarn break, package diameter)
- Meter counter/doffing signal
- Highest flexibility and wide range of applications
- Minimum maintenance expenditures
- Technical dataTiter150 to 20000 dtex*Winding speedMax. 800 m/minTraverse length200, 250 or 300 mm*DriveFrequency-controlledFrameUp to 4 tiersTube inside diameter82.55 or 94 mm*Tube length230, 290 or 330 mm*Package diameterMax. 320 mmWinding ratioElectronic*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns
SAHM two60 big

SAHM two60 big
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns
- Advantages
- Excellent package quality
- Minimum maintenance expenditures
- Quick and efficient product changes by electronic input of all winding parameters
- Alarm management (yarn break, package diameter)
- Meter counter/doffing signal
- Central machine control by HMI II with 5,7" touchscreen
- Pneumatic mandrel
- Pneumatic yarn tension control
- Semi-automatic threading via automatically pivoting traverse unit
- Option as edge trim winder
- Option as start-up winder
- Technical dataTiter150 to 20000 dtex*Winding speedMax. 800 m/minTraverse length300, 400, 450 or 500 mm*DriveFrequency-controlledFrame1- or 2-tierTube inside diameter90, 94, 135 or 140 mm*Tube length230, 290 or 330 mm*Package diameterMax. 500 mmWinding ratioElectronicPackage weight50 kg*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns

(in a special version up to 12000 dtex)
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns
- Advantages
- Excellent package quality
- Reproducible yarn package formation
- Quick and efficient product changes
- Electronic input of all winding parameters
- Highest flexibility and wide range of applications
- Technical dataTiter180 to 3000 dtex
(in a special version up to 12000 dtex)Winding speedMax. 350 m/minTraverse length250 or 300 mmDriveFrequency-controlledFrame3-tierTube inside diameter82.55 or 94 mmTube length290 or 330 mmPackage diameterMax. 320 mmWinding ratioElectronicYarn tension30 to 230 cN
50 to 750 cN
100 to 1200 cNWinding volume with a traverse length of250 mm: Max. approx. 18.7 dm3
300 mm: Max. approx. 22.4 dm3*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns

1000 to 15000 dtex
(in a special version up to 36000 dtex)
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns
- Advantages
- Excellent package quaility
- Reproducible yarn package formation
- Quick and efficient product changes
- Electronic input of all winding parameters
- Highest flexibility and wide range of applications
- Technical dataTiter150 to 2500 dtex
1000 to 15000 dtex
(in a special version up to 36000 dtex)Winding speedMax. 500 m/minTraverse length250, 300 or 400 mmDriveFrequency-controlledFrame1-, 2- or 3-tierTube inside diameter76.2; 82.55; 90 or 94 mmTube length290, 330 or 440 mmPackage diameterMax. 320 mm (optional up to 450 mm)Winding ratioElectronicYarn tension50 to 750 cN
100 to 1200 cNWinding volume with a traverse length of250 mm: Max. approx. 18.7 dm3
300 mm: Max. approx. 22.4 dm3
400 mm: Max. approx. 29.5 dm3*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns

Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns
- Advantages
- Excellent package quality
- Reproducible yarn package formation
- Electronic input of all winding parameters
- Quick and efficient product changes
- Highest flexibility and wide range of applications
- Technical dataTiter1100 to 30000 dtexWinding speedMax. 300 m/minTraverse lengthMax. 265 mmDriveFrequency-controlledFrame3-tierPackage diameterMax. 355 mmYarn tension100 to 1000 cNTubesK200, K250 or K355*Winding ratioElectronic*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- High performance fibers
- Multifilaments
- Coated or twisted yarns

Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
- High performance fibers
- Technical yarns
- Artificial grass yarn
- Monofilaments
- Advantages
- Excellent package quality
- Metered yarn length
- Zero waste in production
- Quick and efficient product changes
- Highest flexibility and wide range of applications
- Technical dataTiter200 to 8000 dtexWinding speedMax. 400 m/minTraverse lengthMax. 285 mmDriveFrequency-controlledFrame3-tierPackage diameterMax. 355 mmYarn tension20 to 1500 cNTubesK200, K250 or K355*Winding ratioElectronic*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- High performance fibers
- Technical yarns
- Artificial grass yarn
- Monofilaments

Combination of all maximum values is not possible
- Applications
The SAHM BITENSOR is a tension-controlled bi-directional unrolling unit.
It is used for applications such as filament winding and other processes.
The BITENSOR is ideal for unrolling products into extruding, laminating, pultrusion, dipping and finishing processes.
- Advantages
- High flexibility and a wide range of applications, especially for delicate material
- Minimum operating and monitoring expenditure
- Alarm management (yarn break, yarn length, package diameter)
- Bi-directional drive technology (forward & reverse direction)
- Technical dataTiter250 to 8000 dtexUnrolling speed70 to 200 m/minTraverse length of unrolling packagesMax. 300 mmDriveFrequency-controlledFrame3-tier = 9 unrolling unitsYarn tension50 to 400 cNWeight of unrolling packagesMax. 12 kgTube inside diameter of unrolling packages75 to 94 mmPackage diameter of unrolling packagesMax. 320 mm*others on request.
Combination of all maximum values is not possible
The SAHM BITENSOR is a tension-controlled bi-directional unrolling unit.
It is used for applications such as filament winding and other processes.
The BITENSOR is ideal for unrolling products into extruding, laminating, pultrusion, dipping and finishing processes.